

【旅行編】アメリカでのモーテル宿泊 / To stay at a motel in the US

<Followed by English translation>







「モーテル」『フリー百科事典 ウィキペディア日本語版』。

2018年7月8日 07:21 (UTC)、URL:モーテル - Wikipedia

この語は「自動車」(motor)と「ホテル」(hotel)のかばん語、あるいは「自動車運転者のホテル」(motorists' hotel)の略であり、英語辞書に載ったのは第二次世界大戦の後である。客用の駐車場(および、場合によってはそれに続くフロントなどの共用施設)に面して一続きの宿泊棟が建ち、客室のドアが駐車場に向かって並んでいるようなタイプのホテルを指す。また、駐車場に向かって客室のあるキャビンやコテージなどが並ぶタイプのものもある。荷物を客室まで運ぶポーターはいないかわり、宿泊客は自分の客室のドアの前に自動車を停めて荷物を運び入れることができる。価格は手ごろで荷物運びはセルフサービスとなっており、アメリカ合衆国では日本のビジネスホテルのような存在であるが、部屋はセミダブルベッドのツインルームなど広々としている。






なによりもまず、宿泊するモーテルをどこにするかが重要です。オラフィーは宿泊するホテルの予算は$60と決めていましたので、まずは価格を条件にして検索をしました。 そして以下のモーテルに絞りました。

1. Motel6
2. Red Roof Inn
3. Super 8 Motels


1. 口コミの数が多いか?
2. 星が5段階評価中3.5以上か?


さらに宿泊する場所も重要です。今回は比較的治安がよいArlington Heights付近にしました。

この条件で調べて最終的に決めたのが「Motel 6」です。値段は$53❕❕近くに日本食スーパーマーケットのMitsuwa Market Placeもあります。



・部屋の清潔さ            🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
・バスルームの清潔さ 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
・お値段                       🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
・???                       🌟🌟🌟



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 Hey Guys❕ I'm olaffy❕
Do you know "motel"❓ It's a "hotel" lol. However, I'm not sure the definition of "motel", so I checked "Wikipedia".  The explanation is as follows:


"Motel"  "Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia."

7 February 2019 12:32 UTC, URL:Motel - Wikipedia

A motel is a hotel designed for motorists and usually has a parking area for motor vehicles. Entering dictionaries after World War II, the word motel, coined as a portmanteau contraction of "motor hotel", originates from the Milestone Mo-Tel of San Luis Obispo, California (now called the Motel Inn of San Luis Obispo), which was built in 1925.[1] The term referred initially to a type of hotel consisting of a single building of connected rooms whose doors faced a parking lot and in some circumstances, a common area or a series of small cabins with common parking. Motels are often individually owned, though motel chains do exist.

As large highway systems began to be developed in the 1920s, long-distance road journeys became more common, and the need for inexpensive, easily accessible overnight accommodation sites close to the main routes led to the growth of the motel concept.[1] Motels peaked in popularity in the 1960s with rising car travel, only to decline in response to competition from the newer chain hotels that became commonplace at highway interchanges as traffic was bypassed onto newly constructed freeways. Several historic motels are listed on the US National Register of Historic Places.


We need to go to Chicago for some reasons, so we need to stay the hotel. The accomondation fee in the US is much lower than Japanese hotel, but it's price is over $100😥😥  Therefore, we decided to stay amotel instead of Hilton hotel which we usually stay.


Decide which hotel we stay
First of all, it is important to choose where to stay the motel. We decided the budget for the hotel's accommodation to be $ 60, so we searched for a motel based on the price. Then I made the following motels as candidates.

1. Motel 6
2. Red Roof Inn
3. Super 8 Motels

In general, I think these three are famous as chain motels. Next, I will refer to the reviews of the reservation site and the traveler rating. In reference to it, first of all what I made important is

1. Are there many reviews?
2. Traveler rating 3.5 or higher during 5 grades evaluation?

These are two of them. I have not had enough experience of staying in a motel, so I can not say it unconditionally, but there are certainly reasons for motels that do not meet these two conditions.  Because it is my subjectivity, "There must be something when Americans in culture who do not take off their shoes give low ratings"  


The place to stay is also important. This time, we stayed near the Arlington Heights which is relatively safe. I finally decided on this condition "Motel 6". The price is $ 53.





Results / impressions
From the result, it was 80 points out of 100 points ❕❕
· Room cleanliness      🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
· Bathroom cleanliness 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
· Price                           🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
· ???                              🌟🌟🌟

Some people think that "???" may be, but I will explain later.

First of all, the appearance

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It is not a dubious atmosphere.

In the room.

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It was very beautiful. There was no difference with the picture of the official website. Also, it was unusual for the hotel in the United States (I'm not sure...), It was a flooring type. I was wondering if it was probably easier to clean up. Then why is not 100 points ... It is the thickness of the bed 😒😒😒 This is the item "???".  I think that it is a luxurious trouble, but this is only about 1/3 of the thickness of the bed where we live lol. I did not mind at all when I was in Japan, but now I can not think of anything other than fluffy beds ❕❕

Anyway, the motel did not have anything used for drug trading at all, so I was able to spend comfortably 😜😜

Since there was not much information that someone stayed at a motel even if I searched on the Internet, I wrote an article this time ❕❕
I would be pleased if it will be helpful for those who are considering staying at a motel in the future❕❕

See you❕


Thank you,

