

【旅行編】小旅行・ミズーリ州(セントルイス/セントルイス動物園) / Travel to Missouri ( St. Louis / Saint Louis zoo ) Lakeside Crossing / River's Edge / The wild / Discovery corner

<Written in both Japanese and English>



Because a lot of photographs are necessary for the explanation, I will write it in both Japanese and English.


Hey Guys❗ I'm ollafy❗


今回はセントルイス動物園のLakeside Crossing / River's Edge / The wild / Discovery cornerエリアについてご紹介します。

This time, I would like to introduce you to the Lakeside Crossing / River's Edge / The wild / Discovery corner area of St. Louis Zoo.




まずはLakeside Crossingエリアです。このエリアで人気なのはアシカで、そのほかにもアカエイエリアがありますがオラフィー🐭たちはアシカエリアのみ行きました。

First is the Lakeside Crossing area. Sea lions are popular in this area, and there are other stingray areas, but the Olaffy🐭 went only to the sea lions area.



日向ぼっこをしていました。アシカだけを見て次はRiver's Edgeエリアへ。

The sea lions were basking in the sun. We only saw sea lions and then headed to the River's Edge area.



「神話上の水路に沿って4つの大陸を旅し、野生生物、植物がどのように人々と相互作用するかを発見してください。 River's Edgeは、セントルイス動物園で最初の生息環境展示です。緑豊かに植えられた自然主義的な環境で、世界中の複数の種が展示されています。」

We thinks this area is the zoo's appealing point.  It is also written on the HP as follows.

"Take a journey along a mythical waterway through four continents to discover how wildlife, plants and people interact. River's Edge is the Saint Louis Zoo's first immersion exhibit—a lushly planted naturalistic environment showcasing multiple species from around the world. "



In this area you can see Black Rhino, Bush Dog, Capybara, Anteater, Asian Elephant,Hippo, Red River Hog, Cheetah, Hyena, Dwarf Mongoose, Painted Dog, Andean Bear, Malayan Sun Bear

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そして次のエリアであるThe wildへ。

And to the next area, The wild.


みんなが大好きな白くまや🐧ペンギン、プレーリードッグレッサーパンダがいます。There are white bears, 🐧 penguins, prairie dogs and red pandas that everyone loves.

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The penguins were through the glass, but I could see them really close and they came very close. The prairie dog also posed as a model.


最後はDiscovery cornerです。

The last is the Discovery corner.



This area is an insect museum(Insectarium), so no photos will be posted. There were various insects. Really various insects lol



It was a rush, but it took about 3 hours and 30 minutes to go around the park.  Since the season was winter, the animals in the park were not very active, so I would definitely like to go when it is a little warmer.



Next, I would like to introduce Gateway Arch.




